Hello it is me again Pam Belders. I meant to get this posted on Friday!! But here it is On Sunday night
Because Fridays in February are for wearing RED on Fridays for Heart Health Month.
Which is dear to my heart as I lost my Dad to Heart Disease.
So I want to share some highlights from the Evidation App.
So What is heart disease?
Here are the top 7 causes of heart disease
1 Smoking or tobacco use
2 High Blood Pressure or Hypertension
3 The consumption of too many Lipoproteins.
What are Lipoproteins? They carry cholesterol and triglycerides to cells in the body HDL is the good Cholesterol and it gets rid of LDL the Bad Cholesterol that clogs the arteries.
4 Lack of exercise So Always keep moving AKA Swimming Like Dory says
5 Diabetes is a risk factor for heart disease.
6 Thrombosis leads to heart disease ( This is a condition when blood clots develop in the veins or arteries.)
7 STRESS Is a great contributor to heart health and so is Irritably, depression rumination and lack of quality of sleep.
Sleep can contribute to High blood pressure leading to increased risk of Stroke or heart attack.
Here are some signs of a heart attack ( of course we have heard this before but let's go over them again.
• Pain, pressure or Squeezing in the Chest, Particularly the left side.
• Pain in the upper body such as the shoulders, neck, upper stomach, arms or even jaw
• Shortness of Breath
• Feeling sick to your stomach or nausea
• Dizziness or Light-headness
• Feeling Unusually tired
• Breaking out into a cold sweat
Now for some Health Tips
• Practice good dental hygiene
• Increase your daily exercise
• If you smoke STOP and also stay away from 2nd hand smoke whenever you can
• Reduce your Trans-fat intake
• Sleep Better (boy I am talking to myself on this one)
In closing reduce your risk today by
Eat healthy, exercise, sleep better, take your vitamins specially if you don’t get all nutrients for your food, also reduce stress where you can and please Stop using Tobacco products.
Again I got my information from evidation.com The science of heart health; tips for keeping your heart healthy this American Heart Month
Which is always in February.
And don’t forget to always wear RED on Fridays. And take care of your Heart every month not just in February.